Whether or not to eat raw is a topic of debate. In fact, diets of all sorts are the subject of energetic discussions. I decided it would be fun to compile a list of quotes related to those debates. I will add to this list as time goes on, and as I run across interesting opinions. Some additions will be extreme, some will be entertaining, some will be balanced, some will be worthy of thought.
Please check back every so often to see what I have added to this smorgasbord of food thinking.
[I]f you are spiritually centered and call back your energy from negative beliefs, you can eat cat food and still stay healthy.
-Carolyn Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing (see page 26 here)
There are natural laws and a natural order to this life. Our Creator designed it that way. Gravity is a perfect example. You may totally believe that you can leap from the top pf a four-story building and fly; you may even be able to convince others of this idea. The reality is that if you do jump, you will hit the ground. Real health functions under the same kind of law. You may choose to eat a diet rich in animal fats, processed grains and sugars, caffeinated beverages and sports drinks, and even if you believe that it won't affect your health, eventually it will catch up to you.
-Penni Shelton, Raw Food Cleanse: Restore Health and Lose Weight by Eating Delicious, All-Natural Foods - Instead of Starving Yourself
Many of the most unbalanced people I have ever met are those who have devoted themselves to healthy eating. In fact, I believe some of them have actually contracted a novel eating disorder for which I have coined the name "orthorexia nervosa." The term uses "ortho," meaning straight, correct, and true, to modify "anorexia nervosa." Orthorexia nervosa refers to a pathological fixation on eating proper food.
-Steven Bratman, MD, "Health Food Junkie" (originally published in Yoga Journal)
I don't think people should be too fanatic. I think as soon as you become too stressed about what to eat and what not to eat, you lose that purpose of healing yourself and feeling better.
-Nice Polido, owner of Carrboro Raw in Carrboro, NC; quoted here (The Chapel Hill News)
Image credit: Kevin Rosseel.
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