Added April 28, 2016: The recording of this interview is now available for you to hear. Click to listen to "Benefits of Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Reflection in Providing Exceptional Client Service."
An excellent interview about the role of mindfulness and self-awareness in client service is coming up on April 26! Sponsored by Purposeful Planning Institute (PPI), this teleconference will feature my wise, knowledgeable colleague Dr. Francine Campone. The description of what she and I will be talking about is below.
If you are not a member of PPI, the organization's founder John A. Warnick is kind enough to offer guest access which you can get by emailing Julie Dorosz. (All requests for guest access must be received by 5pm ET on April 25th.)
The teleconference details:
Title: Benefits of Mindfulness, Self-Awareness and Reflection in Providing Exceptional Client Service
Date: April 26, 2016
Time: Noon ET (60 Minutes)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Francine Campone, Director, Evidence Based Coaching Program, Fielding Graduate University
Host: Stephanie West Allen, JD, PPI Dean of Neuroscience and Contemplative Practices
Description: Dr. Francine Campone, Director of Fielding University’s Evidence-Based Coaching Program and ordained Zen Buddhist, will talk about why the ancient Greek aphorism “Know thyself” is excellent advice for service professionals if they want to add genuine value to their clients’ lives. Dr. Campone will describe reflective ways of interacting with clients and a few of the benefits of using a reflective process, both for the practitioner and the client he or she serves. Because she believes in the importance of verifying the efficacy of practices she uses and recommends, she will talk about the importance of basing them on good research and other credible evidence. And finally Dr. Campone will recommend some useful and simple practices to increase reflective and mindful client service.
Click to read more about Dr. Campone.
I hope many of you can join us on the 26th.