On Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at 12 Eastern, 9 Pacific AM, I will be moderating a teleseminar for Purposeful Planning Institute (PPI). The program description is below. Because of the topic and speakers, this will be an hour that is very informative and stimulating.
If you are not a member of PPI, you may get a guest pass for this event by emailing here.
Teleconference Details
Title: New Tools in the Trustscape: How Polarity Thinking Addresses Dilemmas that Simply Won't Go Away
Date: June 30, 2015
Time: Noon ET (60 Minutes)
Guest Speakers: Daniel P. Felix, The Professional Trustee and Neesa Sweet, The Braided River Group
Description: Polarity Thinking shines a bright light on hidden factors in the trustscape -- interdependencies that have the power to prevent solutions and keep trustees, their advisors and their client families on a literal "seesaw" of unsolvable questions. Polarity Thinking is an approach that fosters true Practical Wisdom. The result is even greater success in dealing with conflict, change, complexity, and communications, as well as both chronic and cultural issues.
Note about the word "trustscape":
"Our term trustscape describes a subsystem within the larger family system. Members of the trustscape are those connected by a trust agreement - trust-creators, trustees, beneficiaries, trust-protectors, committees, and their advisors."
--Hartley Goldstone
Note (added September 3, 2015):
Below is the link to the interview. Also included is other related information.
New Tools in the Trustscape: How Polarity Thinking Addresses Dilemmas that Simply Won’t Go Away
Audio File: Download/Play Recording (MP3)
Date: June 30, 2015
Handout: Typical Polarities in Trust Administration (PDF)
Guest Speakers: Daniel P. Felix, The Professional Trustee and Neesa Sweet, The Braided River Group
Host: Stephanie West Allen, JD, PPI Dean of Neuroscience and Contemplative Practices
Description: Polarity Thinking shines a bright light on hidden factors in the trustscape — interdependencies that have the power to prevent solutions and keep trustees, their advisors and their client families on a literal “seesaw” of unsolvable questions. Polarity Thinking is an approach that fosters true Practical Wisdom. The result is even greater success in dealing with conflict, change, complexity, and communications, as well as both chronic and cultural issues.
Important Points:
- Polarities are the interdependent parts which exist in nature and in our ideas, and lay behind many situations in and out of the trustscape. They are essential in applying values and in Practical Wisdom.
- Polarity Thinking allows the powerful leveraging of interdependent parts.
- Attempting to resolve a polarity situation without addressing the nature of interdependencies leads to conflict and ultimately to the feared result.
- Polarity Thinking applies “both/and” thinking where “either-or” thinking just won’t work.
- Polarity Thinking is a lens to see root causes of recurring issues that can prevent individuals and families from moving forward in a cohesive way. It provides a tool to identify and address those recurring issues.
- Mapping polarities can be used to facilitate discussions about strategy, performance and other issues and creates a visual tool that will help participants better understand and master the polarities that surround them.
Purposeful Quote: “Polarity is an essential trait of all things. Tension, contrast, and contradiction characterize all of reality. … To ignore the paradox is to miss the truth.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel
Reading Recommendations: Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems Paperback by Barry Johnson Ph.D. (Available on Amazon) and Power Surge: Energizing Your Leadership Strengths by Margaret Seidler (Available online here)