Harvard Business Review has just published an interview with Dr. Ellen Langer, about whom I have blogged here several times in the past. From "Mindfulness in the Age of Complexity," some excellent advice which specifically reminds me of mediation:
When people say, “This is the way to do it,” that’s not true. There are always many ways, and the way you choose should depend on the current context. You can’t solve today’s problems with yesterday’s solutions. So when someone says, “Learn this so it’s second nature,” let a bell go off in your head, because that means mindlessness. The rules you were given were the rules that worked for the person who created them, and the more different you are from that person, the worse they’re going to work for you. When you’re mindful, rules, routines, and goals guide you; they don’t govern you.
Click to read the rest of the interview. Worth some of your time—and mindfulness!