Because I believe the flow from ancestry to life to legacy is important—often extremely influential on how we live our lives and affect future generations—I sometimes post about that flow. (Click here or here, for example, and watch for an interview at idealawg on this topic soon.)
If you plan to collect some of your family stories, I wanted to let you know about StoryCatcher, a smart phone app to help you with the process. From "Tree of Life Legacies: Doing more for families than just telling stories" (Lamorinda Weekly):
[S]ince I believe it is so important for generations to share their stories, I looked for a way to make it more affordable." And [April Bell] did. With partner Urs Brauchli she developed a $2.99 iPhone app called Story Catcher that was released in 2013.
"I used the app on my phone and created this little narrative about how I met my wife," says longtime Lafayette resident Dennis Erokan, founder of BAM Magazine who met Bell at a Lafayette Chamber of Commerce meeting. "Then I shared the story with one of my daughters." He said that his daughter was so moved that she started to cry; she had never heard the whole story.
The app allows people to record a video approximately two minutes long; users can access templates, if they want, to add pictures and subtitles, and create a very nice and professional looking product that can be shared with others.
Click to read the rest.