The very talented Nora Ephron is gravely ill (TMZ). Also from ABC News. Her survivors will know what she wants for her after-death event; they won't need to worry about that decision in addition to grieving. From a piece by Liz Smith (
I have a letter now in my hands [from Nora]: “Came home (from Claudia Cohen’s funeral where you, Liz, say you want nothing like it). Told Nick to make sure when I died there was a funeral and not a memorial service. Please remind him. This is the real effect of all these funerals. They give us ideas for our own. I want a big deal, and I want everyone to be basket cases.”
I am sure there will be many basket cases.
Please click to read posts I have written about the many benefits of designing your own funeral, regardless of your age or health.
And click to read an interview of Ephron (Newsweek) in which she talks about aging and things she will miss when she is dead.