Excerpt from "UI College of Law to hold colloquium on aging population" (press-citizen.com):
A new colloquium starting next month at the University of Iowa College of Law seeks to solve challenges posed by the nation’s rapidly aging population.
The 13 weekly sessions start Jan. 12 and will be available online to the public through live-streaming and podcasts, law professor and organizer Josephine Gittler said. Nationally-recognized experts in the field of public policy and aging, including Charles Sabatino, director of the American Bar Association’s Commission
on Law and Aging; Robert Egge, vice president of public policy and advocacy for the Alzheimer’s Association, and Daniel Marson, director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, will attend some of the sessions.
“There is a really dramatic growth in the aging population, in part because the first baby boomers have reached 65 this year, and partly ... it’s the result of improved life expectancy,” Gittler said. “As the population has begun to age, there is a sharp increase in Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and that’s creating a crisis and giving rise to all sorts of important legal and public policy issues.”
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