Has a marital dissolution entered your life? Are you close in time to a divorce? Well, if that divorce happens to be your own, The Next Chapter Expo™ might be just the solution for any resulting woes.
The Expo was written up in Bill Husted's column in The Denver Post. Excerpt:
This salute to Splitsville gathers the miserably married May 14 at Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum in Denver. Wouldn't it be funny to run into your wife there? By mistake? The day-long affair costs $10, and [the organizer Tom] Kaufman promises plenty of good advice for the Lonely Hearts.
Kaufman is 42, never married, never divorced, which he considers an advantage. "Almost all my friends have been divorced, so I have many views of it, not just one. If you take everyone's stories and compile them, you can find the most solutions."
The expo will offer breakout rooms where speakers will address single parenting, renting with bad credit, crying into your pillow, the usual concerns. Booths will be set up with lawyers, financial planners, movers, storage facilities, shrinks, dating services, cosmetic surgeons, gyms — everything a divorced person needs.
Wonder if there will be any mediator booths?
In that same column, Husted announced the finalists for Beerdrinker of the Year, and revealed that Roseanne Barre will be in a commercial at the Super Bowl—for Snickers. Lots going on these days.