From "The Power of Conflict Coaching" (employment today):
At Victoria University in Melbourne, the employee relations team has identified the ‘outrage’ factor as the most significant source and symptom of staff interpersonal conflict.
When ‘outrage’ has been diagnosed within a grievance or complaint, the team recommends conflict coaching (in their case, the CinergyConflict coaching model developed by Cinnie Noble) to address this factor prior to any mediation or facilitated conversation.
Margaret Buchanan, a member of the employee relations team, says in their experience, staff members who undergo conflict coaching before another ADR process to address an interpersonal conflict and/or deal with a complaint, are better able to minimise their own outrage. They are then better positioned to resolve their conflict at mediation. Buchanan says the university is seeing the impact of this approach in a demonstrable reduction in formal disputation and claims to external bodies by staff over the past two years.
Click to read the rest.