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Pat McHenry Sullivan

As always, you are a fount of great wisdom! The best consciousness teachers I have known have always taught that 1) so much of our ability to work with others comes from the work we do on ourselves, 2) the further we go along a helping path (particularly if creativity and spirituality are involved), the more we are tempted by ever more subtle illusions or distortions, and 3) we need constant practice and learning so as not to pollute our work with pride, self-will, fear or other aspects of ego.

It's not easy doing this, and it definitely brings to the foreground stuff we don't want to see or claim, but it's the only way to create real change that benefits, not harms.

I'm so grateful you keep putting out the materials that help us know ourselves and work from our cores -- that part of ourselves that is more uniquely ourselves and most connected to others.

Keep up your good work.

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