Marian Salzman's prognostication reminded me of the boot camps held at law firm Fish & Richardson. Anyone know if the firm is still holding these events?
About the boot camps in 2011:
Watch out in 2011 for the return of skin-thickening boot camps to toughen up kids and employees for the rigors of the 21st century. This new brand of take-it-square training is going to catch on like tinder in a world that just might be gentling its young people out of competitiveness. We might have educated our kids, stimulated them, taught them to care and share, and protected them from bad things, but we now have a generation, called millennials (at Euro RSCG Worldwide PR, the agency I run, we consider them to be currently 18 to 25 years old), that is smart, plugged-in and tech-savvy--but oversensitive.
Former Wall Street Journal columnist Ron Alsop calls them trophy kids, and many corporate recruiters consider them case studies in entitlement. In the workplace, this can make for a cross-generational melee: conflicts between millennials who believe the office should be egalitarian, casual and quick to reward, and boomer-managers whose buttons get pushed by their young employees' expectations of a gimme-ocracy. Another thing unwitting work cultures have had to face is not just the millennial employee but also his or her helicopter parents.
In 2007, I told "60 Minutes" that millennials could be incorrigible. ...
Click to read the rest of Booting Up (Huffington Post).