I am so far behind in my e-mails that I am wondering if I can ever catch up. Everyday I try to make a dent. Today I saw an e-mail received on November 23, asking me to post the below. That e-mail from International Mediation Institute included
We hope that this article will instigate some stimulating discussion - please feel free to use it for your blog. If you do, we would appreciate if you would share any comments from your blogs with us, so that we can link to them on our web portal.
And also
Where will mediation be in 10 years time?
Will it still be a field, a movement, an occupation, a hobby?
Or will its market, by then, perceive it as a truly independent profession?
Can mediation's stakeholders realistically exert a significant positive influence on the future?
As we start the second decade of the 21st Century, a 'glocal' debate is about to begin on the progression of mediation over the medium term. We invite you to participate and share your own vision and practical ideas.
To help get the ball rolling, attached is a stimulating, challenging and encouraging article entitled: "2020 Vision: Where in the world will mediation be in 10 years?"
Click to read the article.