Although I certainly do not agree with everything Johan Galtung says, reading or listening to these interviews can nevertheless be a worthwhile use of a few minutes. It can, of course, be helpful when forming one's thoughts to become more aware of opinions different from our own.
On a related note: "Twelve Friendly Quarrels with Johan Galtung" (Journal of Peace Research). Abstract:
This article reviews the first two volumes of the collected papers of Johan Galtung. The papers reveal Galtung as a major world thinker in the field of peace research and conflict studies. The review takes issue with him, however, on a number of points relating to such matters as his concept of entropy, the misleading metaphors of negative peace and structural violence, and his inability to resolve the conflict between liberty and equality. His distinction between associative and dissociative solutions to conflict is recognized as a major contribution, but his neglect of the virtues of dissociative solutions is criticized. Galtung's overall contribution, however, is very highly regarded.
Image credit: Democracy Now!