Is he a fan of The Secret or a practitioner of The Law of Attraction? Borrowing from the nickname of Jerry Brown, is Hickenlooper Denver's "Mayor Moonbeam"? From "Hickenlooper's take on recession mind-befuddling" (Denver Post):
Buck up, Colorado.
That seemed to have been John Hickenlooper's take last week when he said "a recession like this really is driven by people's mental state."
Hickenlooper has stepped in it.
His remark on a radio talk show Thursday was not only impolitic for a candidate running for governor during the worst downturn since the 1930s. It was remarkably tone deaf on a day when stocks and commodities were plummeting. It was also out of touch with hundreds of thousands of people he's already governing as Denver mayor.
AM 760 radio host David Sirota reminded the mayor on- air that former U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas was ousted as top economic adviser to John McCain in 2008 for remarking that "this is a mental recession."
"No, I'm not saying that," Hickenlooper backtracked, only then to step even deeper into his psychobabble and flip-floppery.