I received the following e-mail from Len Riskin. If you want to be added to his e-mail list, e-mail Karen Kays.
Feb. 27, 2010, Cambridge, MA. The Negotiation Within, a symposium sponsored by the Harvard Negotiation Law Review, at Harvard Law School. Free. See http://www.hnlr.org/?page_id=540
April 8, 2010, San Francisco, CA. From Reactivity to Responsiveness: Increasing our Capacity for Choice and Awareness When the Going Gets Tough. 12th Annual Spring Conference of the ABA Alternative Dispute Resolution Conference in San Francisco at the Hyatt Regency. Led by Scott Rogers and Lili Zohar. For more information, visit http://themindfullawyer.com/aba_2010.html
June 10-12, 2010, Malibu, CA. Mindfulness for Conflict Resolvers: Lawyers, Mediators, Negotiators, Judges, Arbitrators & Managers. Pepperdine University School of Law, Institute for Dispute Resolution. Led by Leonard Riskin, Professor, University of Florida College of Law, and Rachel Wohl, Director, Maryland Supreme Court Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office . See http://law.pepperdine.edu/straus/training-and-conferences/professional-skills-program-summer/mindfulness-conflict.htm or contact Lori Rushford at [email protected].
June 24, 2010, Barnet, VT. Lawyers Retreat
Co-sponsored by the Vermont Bar Association and Tail of the Tiger
at Karme-Choling, http://www.karmecholing.org/index.php.
July 12-14, 2010, Chicago (Downtown). Summer Institute on Negotiation: Critical Skills for Effective Negotiating. Northwestern University, School of Continuing Studies. Led by Leonard Riskin, University of Florida College of Law ,and Daniel Shapiro, Harvard Medical School, and Director, Harvard International Negotiation Program. This course, offered for the seventh time, integrates instruction and practice in mindfulness with the teachings of Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro’s award-winning Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate (Viking 2005). For more information, see http://www.scs.northwestern.edu/summernu/programs/negotiation.cfm
Oct. 7-10, 2010, Buffalo, NY, The Mindful Lawyer: Practices and Prospects for Law Schools, the Bench, and the Bar. A conference sponsored by the Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy at SUNY Buffalo School of Law and the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society. Contact: Doug
Chermak, conference coordinator: [email protected]. See Baldy Center website: http://www.law.buffalo.edu/BALDYCENTER/. Baldy Center phone: 716-645-2105.
Oct. 14-16, 2010, Woodstock, VT, Woodstock Inn. Mindfulness for Conflict Resolvers: Lawyers, Mediators, Negotiators, Judges, Arbitrators & Managers, Pepperdine University School of Law, Institute for Dispute Resolution & Vermont Law School. Led by Leonard Riskin, Professor, University of Florida College of Law, and Rachel Wohl, Director, Maryland Supreme Court Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office. See http://www.law.pepperdine.edu/straus/training_and_conferences/ or contact Lori Rushford at [email protected].
Other Resources
Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, 199 Main St., 3rd Floor, Northampton, MA 01060. The Center’s law program has sponsored a series of insight meditation retreats for lawyers and law students. For information, contact Mirabai Bush, executive director, or Doug Chermak, law program director, at [email protected], 510-597-1650. Http://contemplativemind.org
Contemplative Law (a blog), by Robert Chendler. http://contemplativelaw.wordpress.com
IdeaLawg by Stephanie West Allen. http://westallen.typepad.com/idealawg/2008/09/contemplative-lawyers-some-mindfulness-resources.html
Initiative on Mindfulness in Law and Dispute Resolution. Leonard Riskin, Director. University of Florida Levin College of Law. http://www.law.ufl.edu/imldr/index.shtml
Institute for Mindfulness Studies, Specializing in the Practice of Law. 4045 Sheridan Street, No. 196, Miami Beach, FL 33140. www.imslaw.com. Scott L. Rogers, M.S., J.D. Director. Tel: 786-239-9318 office; 860-239-9312 fax. Offers training and publications related to mindfulness for lawyers and law students.
Warmest wishes,
Leonard L. Riskin
Chesterfield Smith Professor of Law
Director, Initiative on Mindfulness in Law and Dispute Resolution
University of Florida
Levin College of Law