The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society is sponsoring another retreat for lawyers; this one will be held April 2 - 5, 2009, at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California Co-sponsors are the Bar Association of San Francisco and Spirit Rock. More here. Excerpt:
Mindfulness meditation can provide a practical tool for busy legal professionals to enhance their law practice, quiet the mind, increase clarity and awareness, and restore a more peaceful balance to their lives. This program will include meditation instruction and practice, and will explore the interplay between contemplative and legal practices and the role meditation has played in enriching the professional lives of lawyers. The program is appropriate for beginners and experienced meditators.
The leadership for the retreat is comprised of senior meditation teachers and lawyers with substantial experience in both law and meditation practice.
The leadership for the retreat is comprised of senior meditation teachers and lawyers with substantial experience in both law and meditation practice.
Register with Spirit Rock. 5 California MCLE credits will be available for this retreat in the areas of ethics and elimination of bias.