This reads like a parody but alas it is true. From "White man's disease" (Globe and Mail):
You've got to feel for the long-suffering folks at Carleton University. For years, Cartoon U, as it was once derisively known, has been striving mightily to overcome its reputation as the place you go if you're not smart enough to make it into Queen's (about which, more below). As detractors used to say, "Carleton puts the K into Quality."
But now, Carleton is No. 1 at last - for having the most idiotic student government of all time. The other day, it passed a motion to kill the university's popular fundraising event for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, on the grounds that this awful disease isn't sufficiently inclusive. Cystic fibrosis, the resolution declared, "has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men." The story caused an uproar across the country. People objected to the gratuitous kick at white men, the last remaining group that can be slurred with impunity. They also thought the idea of "inclusive" diseases was ridiculous. Should we cut off research into prostate cancer because mostly white men have it? Or
sickle-cell anemia? Worse, it was clear that no one on the council had the brains to Google "cystic fibrosis." They would have found it primarily affects children of all races, who are lucky if they live long enough to grow up. Sufferers say the disease feels like drowning from the inside.
CF sufferers and their families, naturally, are outraged. But they're not the only ones. Some Carleton alumni swear they'll never give the place another cent. At least one parent says she was considering Carleton for her kid, but not any more. More than 2,000 mortified Carleton students have signed on to a Facebook group condemning the student association. Their university is being ridiculed across the land, and they don't like it.
To be fair, Carleton's student government is nothing unusual. These bodies are often dominated by activists of varying degrees of wackiness. The vast majority of students think they're so irrelevant that they never bother to vote. They might want to rethink that.