Several times I have blogged here about the many benefits to your clients and their families (and to you and your family) of designing your own unique end-of-life event. Here are a couple of those posts to read more:
- Heaven must be missing a lawyer: Kind-hearted counsel for some clients
- The marriage is ending: Are your clients marking this or any other changes with rituals?
- 7th Annual Create a Great Funeral Day: A gift, not a joke
- Reminder: The benefits of you (and your clients) designing your own funerals or memorial services
In brief, some of those benefits are:
- You relieve those you leave behind of many decisions during their time of grief.
- You give the bereaved the emotional satisfaction of knowing they are carrying out your wishes.
- You may open up new areas of discussion with your family.
- You are able to create an event that truly reflects your life.
- Reviewing your life for the purpose of creating the service allows you to evaluate how you want to use your future.
- And this gentle reminder of your mortality has an effect on your decisions about today.
Have you planned yours yet? Doing so is a good idea regardless of your health or age. Try it!
Note (added November 11, 2008, 8:05 PM Mountain): One woman planning her own funeral. Excerpt:
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