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I have read both of your posts regarding virtual law offices with interest and wanted to share with you and your readers that there is another option out there in virtual law practice. Virtual Law Office Technology, LLC (www.vlotech.com) sets up virtual law practices for solo and small firm practitioners nationwide. Many of the virtual attorneys run completely web-based VLOs, such as myself, while others operate them in conjunction with a brick & mortar law office.

The appeal is that the VLO expands the attorney’s client base to the entire state where he or she practices law. Clients have their own secure homepages, pay online and handle all of the communication with the attorney through the web-based technology. The attorneys have their entire backend law offices online and accessible anywhere they may access the Internet.

I am licensed in NC and have operated a completely web-based virtual law office powered by VLOTech for two and a half years with success. I regularly blog about technology and ethics issues in virtual law practice on the VLOTech blog and on my own blog, Virtual Law Practice.org.

While VLP and Vantage Counsel may appeal to attorneys in larger firms, the VLOTech software as a service application is geared toward the solo and small firm practitioners as a way for them to expand their client bases across the state(s) where they practice law and in a way, to compete with larger law firms.

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