Michael Bungay Stanier has created a short, delightful, and perceptive animated movie entitled "The 5.75 Questions You've Been Avoiding." The movie prompts, "See where these questions take you." Indeed! See what you learn when you answer these deceptively simple questions.
Inspired and innovative Stanier is the author and creator of Get Unstuck & Get Going™. GUGG is more than a book. Stanier calls it a self-coaching program. It is that and still more. From the back of The Green Book (a component of the GUGG package) . . .
Feeling stuck?
Here are 125,000 ways to get going on the stuff that matters!
Use Get Unstuck & Get Going™ to . . .
- Powerfully define challenges you are facing
- Generate 125,000 possible combinations of creativity and wisdom to inspire new solutions
- Create an action plan
- Overcome roadblocks
- Move to action and get things going
Watch the movie and you will see that Stanier is sharp and original. That's why Get Unstuck & Get Going is what it is: a very cool tool.