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Thanks so much for reminding us of the obvious. Haven't we all had those sublime days when everything went right and we thought we were happy because they went right? Now we know, it's the other way around.

Those music links are terrific. Bobby McFerrin is my hero, and I love watching him cut up.

Be happy now -- and write about your happiness to pass it along to posterity.


Great post, and thanks for leading me to this via your comment on my blog. Ritergal is right - this all seems so obvious, but as they say, "the devil is in the details". We have to dig into our soul and create the intent to be happy and positive. It can't just "be" - we have to make it "be". Thanks again, and I look forward to digging into your archives and future posts.

Michele Moore, CEO Happiness Habit

Super posting and questions, many thanks!

Habitually happy people choose their moods and their attitudes. They are also emotionally independent, they don't readily hand control of their thoughts, actions or feelings over to outside forces that threaten to depress or control them.

They decide how they like to feel, and that goal becomes an authentic role for them. You never feel better by focusing on how badly you feel.

For more insights, see www.HappinessHabit.com

Michele Moore, Author of
How To Live A Happy Life -
101 Ways To Be Happier

Julie Fleming Brown

Stephanie, thanks for this terrific post! It's common experience that being in a good mood makes it much less likely that little moments of tension that happen everyday will expand into problems, and I appreciate your sharing this research that indicates that the same is true in the professional context.

Here's an interesting question for practitioners: if a client is approaching a negotiation from the negative, fully expecting that her "opponent" is going to be impossible to deal with, preparing to take advantage of her, etc., can a lawyer help to shift that mood? And if so, how? Even though I completely agree with your premise, I'd find it tough to imagine sharing this research with such a client. My instinct is that a client would look askance at that kind of suggestion and then at the lawyer who made it. (Says something about hardball litigation tendencies, doesn't it?) Clearly, we're all responsible for our own moods, but taking the next step as an advocate for a client might be challenging.

I am always pleased to find more support for the premise that happiness is good personally and professionally!

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