The ways parties and conflict professionals think, both when analyzing issues and information and when reaching conclusions, are critical factors in the resolution, maintenance, or escalation of disputes. And when there are clashes between these cognitive patterns, the conflict will be affected. On the other hand, when the professional understands the various patterns, he or she can move the process away from clashing and towards matching. I have blogged about these clashes and matches before; click here to see links to several past posts.
Dr. Susan Wolcott is an expert on cognitive patterns and cognitive development. She has recently posted links to her introductory Webinar in which she explains five cognitive patterns. I am happy to say that you may listen to and watch them now!
If you are a dispute professional, viewing her Webinar will be well worth your time. Click to start now. Please note that they are in reverse order so part one is the last link listed. The numbering will be clear once you go to the Web page.
Wolcott wrote in her announcement email:
Before viewing the videos, you might want to access a one-page summary of the five cognitive patterns. It can be downloaded from my web site in PDF format at:
Enjoy these resources; please let me know your reactions and reflections.