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October 31, 2011


Ivy Roberts

This is an interesting concept. I was wondering if you have any case studies or conrete examples of what you have used during mediations to supplement words.


Hi, Ivy. I am not sure I know what you mean by case studies? The visual supplements the verbal—images of all kinds. Read OPENING THE MINDS EYE for lots of ways to use them. And see my earlier blog post about the use of images.http://westallen.typepad.com/brains_on_purpose/2008/04/images-paint-an.html

My best,


Pete Hulme

Thanks for this post. I've been recommending McGilchrist ever since I came across his book and I read Schwartz's 'The Mind and the Brain' with almost equal enthusiasm. I am grateful for the further reading I've found here.

Warm regards


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