Although the full title of this upcoming conference is Psychotherapy Networker Symposium 2011, you don't need to be a therapist to find many of the workshops beneficial and helpful to your professional practice. For example, you may attend a day-long seminar given by Bonnie Badenoch about whom I have posted at Brains on Purpose here: The obligation of a mediator to practice good mind hygiene, and an interview of Bonnie Badenoch on being brain-wise.
The conference (March 23-27 in DC) offers many other valuable workshops from such accomplished people as
- Rick Hanson ( the fearful brain—his book is a favorite of many of my colleagues)
- Sherry Turkle (the impact of the digital revolution on personal and professional relationships)
- Dick Cavett (the art of interviewing)
- David Whyte (the fusion of verse, storytelling, and philosophical reflection)
- John Gottman (the science of trust)
The list of presenters is long and enticing; take a look.
Note: Here's a post about another conference coming up soon: For those of you interested in psychology and neuroscience, a stellar lineup of speakers at the APS conference.