On Thursday, I gave the opening keynote and a breakout at this year's Colorado State Bar ADR Conference [pdf]. Both presentations focused on the mind and the brain and what the current research tells us that can be helpful for dispute resolution professionals. The attendees were enthusiastic and thoughtful, and I have received some nice e-mails about the programs.
I mentioned in the afternoon program the booklet I've been planning for too, too long. It will be a quick and easy overview of brain- and mind-friendly conflict resolution that can be given to clients. Because they would like to use the primer with their own clients, I was urged by several people in the breakout to complete the project.
Their urging will be one motivation for completion. The other is WNFIN, or Writing NonFiction in November. This project is supporting people in writing 50,000 words this month. I don't know how long that many words translates into, but think it may be longer than a booklet? Anyway, I am not going to worry about the word count, just the timing.
The first draft will be done by November 30!
Do you have any nonfiction projects that cry to be completed? Join me in a word flurrry this month?