The people offering this workshop are on the same wavelength as I am, but they may not know how aligned they are with neuroscience. In the past, I have posted about using images to access different parts of the brain and of finding ways to access the body's knowledge, both of which can add much, including creativity, to dispute resolution.
That's why I was delighted to learn of the workshop Professional Artistry of Mediation [pdf] [note from 9/22/12: link no longer works]. It will access the image nuggets in the brain and discover what the body knows, all in service of redefining how mediators see conflict and their roles as resolvers. From the workshop description:
This workshop is designed to challenge and inspire you! The workshop provides an experiential and reflective space for participants to engage in creative processes and conversations to reflect on the artistry of their practice.
Participants will explore in a playful and hands-on way the art of what we do, our identities as mediators, how we think about conflict and its resolution, and where we might like to take our practice in the future.
The workshop will include a range of arts-based activities including improvisation, drawing, storytelling and working with artifacts.
A workshop like that would certainly facilitate the kind of shift I recommended to mediators in my last post, don't you think?
Note (added September 22, 2012): Here are a couple of links related to artistry in mediation:
- "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Artistry, Expertise and Professionalism in Mediation and the Role of Higher Education" (Working Paper)
- The Making of a Mediator: Developing Artistry in Practice
Image credit: ppdigital.