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February 25, 2008


Tammy Lenski

Stephanie, I love this post of yours and how well you captured what I'm aiming for with my newest blog! These words of yours particularly resonated with me: "...I talked about the impact of the reactive brain and the reflective mind on conflict, and mentioned one key on the path to reflective mind--self-awareness."

One of the classes I most treasured teaching at Woodbury over the years was Interpersonal Conflict, a required course for all the mediation grad students and one that invited them into a journey of self-reflection on their own "conflict stuff." I think the seeds for Conflict Zen were born in that class and the personally transformative experiences I was privileged to witness there.

Thanks for your gracious welcome of my new endeavor as I put the wrap on my very first blog and move in the new direction. I think there's some strong connection with the work you do here on Brains on Purpose and look forward to watching for those intersections.


"Triggering the Grand Irrationality?"

Cowering in an obscure corner of the food pyramid

somewhere between the tofu and the unflavored yogurt

contemplating the juxtaposition of intangibles for all you are worth.....

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